In this self help video for men, we will talk about how hard it can be to be a man. Yet did anyone tell exactly what it really means to be a man? This video is inspired by Anna Akana, who publishes self help videos. While self help videos for men are rare, she inspired the author of this video: Rokas Leonavicius (RokasLeo) in an AMA Anna did in a recent VidCon event. There Anna Akana said to the audience that self help videos for men are missing and that we need someone to share the “secrets” of men that are actually experienced by all of them, yet none of them talk about it. Thus came the idea to release a self help video for men about what it really means to be a man and how hard it is to be a man in modern days. Thank you again Anna Akana for your amazing work and inspiration! If you want to check the channel of Anna Akana who has inspired to publish this video, check her channel here: If you want to see more videos from RokasLeo you can check his main Aikido channel here: Or his official website: To talk more about self help videos in general, self help is usually what most men avoid. Yet if you are watching this self help video you are already a step ahead. Most men look at self help as something that women do, but when you will watch this self help video you will learn that men need as much if not more self help, specially in questions on what it means to be a man. Suicide of men is more common by 1.8 points than women and mostly because men are avoiding to ask or search for help while trying to play a role of a man which causes a lot of extra stress. Self help men should definitely take into account. Otherwise if we will not figure out what it means to be a man we will not be able to help ourselves. Now to come back to the topic of self help, as mentioned before most men will not look into self help videos for men, despite it being crucial. As men we grow up looking at others and trying to figure out what it means to be a man with little help, while most show a bad example of what it means to be a man. Thus self help comes into play. If you want to be a good man, you need to first ask what are you really inspired about and what motivates you to watch these self help videos. While these self help videos are a good place to start, in order to be a real man you have to work on it yourself. I will share some life hacks in the next self help men video how to be a real man in daily life, without taking external false ideas on what it means to be a man. If you want more self help videos for men also make sure you subscribe to this channel, since I will be releasing more self help videos not just for men, but also for women and young people. In the end self help is not just about us, it’s about also helping other people by helping ourselves. The more quality self help videos online we will have, the more people will watch it, the better chance we will have at making this work!
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Self Help For Men
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